&The Saturn Necklace;
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Owner Angela
Open Since 09 July 2003
Scripts Enthusiast

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Skin featuring Doumyouji and Makino sitting in front of a stream. Scenes from the Live Action Hana Yori Dango featuring Inoue Mao and Matsumoto Jun. Skin featuring Doumyouji and Makino. Skin featuring Doumyouji's and Makino's silhouettes. Makino and Doumyouji kissing.

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About Saturn Necklace

"Saturn Necklace" is the only fanlisting officially approved by both The Anime Fanlistings Network and The Fanlistings Network for the relationship (friendship, romantic) between rich heir Doumyouji Tsukasa and poor girl Makino Tsukushi, from Kamio Youko's amamzing manga/anime (and now live-action drama), Hana Yori Dango.

A fanlisting aims to bring together people from all over the world who are fans of a certain subject. This fanlisting has been approved at the Relationships category of the TAFL Network since 09 July 2003, and at the TV Relationships category of the TFL Network since 12 November 2005. For more information about what a fanlisting is, please go to http://thefanlistings.org.

Why "Saturn Necklace"?

The fanlisting is named "Saturn Necklace" because of the necklace that Doumyouji gives Makino, which Makino treasures as a symbol of his love (and even jumps into a river to get it back).


 250 members - awarded to the Tsukasa and Tsukushi fanlisting on 12 December 2006

Saturn Necklace copyright © by Angela Sabas.
Part of Aking Mahal and TFL.Org
Listed at Glitter and AcidGloss AFD Swoonable FAnime
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters Doumyouji Tsukasa, Makino Tsukushi, or any of the other characters from Hana Yori Dango, and I am not in any way affiliated with Kamio Youko or anyone from the manga/anime.
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 Ka-tet: the Dark Tower Series, The fanlisting