DxM Fanlistings Goodies Site Index

Screen Captures

This section contains two thousand screencaps from the live action/Japanese drama Hana Yori Dango, starring Inoue Mao, Matsumoto Jun, and Oguri Shun. This is a Tsukasa/Tsukushi gallery; all the caps are of them (with a few others, if the scene has said character in it).

These caps are not to be placed up in a gallery in any other site. It is here mostly for resource purposes -- feel free to use them in layouts, avatars, icons, and the like; but don't get a bunch and put them up in a gallery at your website. Credit for using is not required but is very much appreciated, and will help other people find these resources!

Saturn Necklace copyright © by Angela Sabas.
Part of Aking Mahal and TFL.Org
Listed at Glitter and AcidGloss AFD Swoonable FAnime
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters Doumyouji Tsukasa, Makino Tsukushi, or any of the other characters from Hana Yori Dango, and I am not in any way affiliated with Kamio Youko or anyone from the manga/anime.
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 End to End: the PHP fanlisting